
Choosing the right GPO can mean the difference between success and failure. Your business depends on a reliable supply of fairly-priced inventory. Prime Source is positioned to help you secure great rates as the leader among Healthcare Group Purchasing Organizations.

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Group Purchasing Organization Thumbnail 1 - Healthcare Provider Reviewing His Purchasing

Long Term Care’s Best Group Purchasing Partners

We help facilities like yours forge stronger relationships with high quality vendors. Gain access to the best pricing from industry-leading suppliers. Partner with Prime Source for access to exclusive supply contracts at no additional cost to you.

For long-term care facilities, inventory management often causes headaches. It’s one of the most significant expenses and challenging to run efficiently. Not to mention, supply chain issues can often have a domino effect across departments of your business. We can help you secure the supplies and services your facility needs with less hassle. Dietary, pharmacy, cleaning, even staffing—everything is more accessible with Prime Source.

Leave vetting and negotiating with vendors to us. Combine your purchasing power with thousands of other facilities to receive near-wholesale rates. Lower inventory costs without sacrificing quality. Minimize supply shortages. Have better outcomes.

Your Professional Fulfillment Experts

Lessen the load on your leadership team and get better results. Mitigate the adverse effects poor inventory management can have on your business.

Lower Supply Costs

Save money on inventory purchases by leveraging the power of aggregated buying.

Premier Vendor Network

Gain access to the best contracts from the top-tier vendors we partner with.

Managed Negotiation

Implement a purchasing process that requires less effort and creates fewer headaches.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is a Group Purchasing Organization?

A group purchasing organization (GPO) is an entity that helps other businesses save money on supplies and services by aggregating buying power. GPOs can use the combined purchasing volume of the companies they represent to negotiate discounts with their vendors.

Do You REALLY Need a GPO?

Unless you want to overspend on supplies, the answer is yes. GPOs help to even the playing field. Just because you have a smaller purchasing volume than your competition doesn’t mean you have to pay more for the supplies your business needs. Group purchasing can help you save big.

How Does Group Purchasing Help?

Group purchasing organizations lower acquisition costs for buyers by negotiating exclusive contracts with manufacturers, distributors, and other vendors. GPO simplifies the sales process for suppliers while lowering costs and streamlining the buying process for purchasers.

Are GPOs Really Free to Join?

Yes, joining a group purchasing organization doesn’t cost you anything. They lower your costs by negotiating on your behalf. There are no membership fees, and supplies pay the commissions. The sole purpose of a group purchasing organization is to lower supply costs.

How Is Prime Source Different From Other GPOs?

Prime Source Healthcare Solutions is more than just a group purchasing organization. We help you navigate when and where to use any given GPO. We evaluate and compare vendors to ensure price, products, and purchasing are all optimized based on your facility’s needs, thus making us one of the Top Healthcare GPOs in the country.

Why Choose Prime source EXPENSE EXPERTS?

Prime Source is the only organization that drives innovation for post-acute and long-term care facilities. Not only do we help you navigate optimal purchasing strategies, but we also offer consulting on industry best practices and expense management. In short, we’re strategic partners.

Group Purchasing Organization Thumbnail 2 - Long Term Care Purchasing Manager Evaluating His Facility's Inventory

The Prime Source Advantage

We are more than just a Group Purchasing Organization (GPO). Not only do we help you optimize buying decisions, but our solutions help facilities like yours improve operations and eliminate inefficiencies. We help you optimize spending and operations across all your facility’s most important departments. Specializing in the healthcare industry, which has the Largest Group of Purchasing Organizations in the USA, Prime Source has emerged as the most trusted GPO In the industry due to our commitment to excellence.