
Nursing Homes Are Closing

The closure of nursing homes has become a concerning trend in recent years. According to recent reports, there has been a significant increase in the number of nursing homes that are closing their doors. This can be attributed to several factors, including changes in...

The Increasing Cost of Potatoes

The price of potatoes has been on the rise lately, and this trend seems to be continuing. According to recent reports, the cost of potatoes has increased by about 10% in the past month alone. There are several factors that are contributing to this increase, including...

Like it or not we need China’s help! …for now.

The challenges: As of April 1st, all Covid supplies must have a registration code leaving from China.  China just celebrated Tomb Sweeping Day; halting shipments and production.  KN95 masks (Chinese made N95, see picture below) were not recommended for healthcare...