Happy Chanukah from Prime Source

by | Dec 9, 2012

Dear Valued Customers,

I would like to wish you and your family a very Happy Chanukah this holiday season.

This week, Jewish adults and children alike will join together to light the menorah, spin the dreidel and sneak in an occasional extra piece of doughnut! We gather to light each of the eight candles on our menorahs to mark this symbolic and holy holiday, to keep our faith strong, and to look forward to better days ahead for us all.


The story of Chanukah reminds us of the power of perseverance and overcoming oppression. We are reminded of the importance of remaining true to our cultural identity, and for the Jewish people, this dates back centuries in time.

Originating back in 165 B.C.E., a group of Maccabees joined together to defeat the powerful Syrian-Greek forces, and in doing so recapturing the holy Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. It was a remarkable victory for the Jewish people over those who had desecrated their Temple and outlawed their traditions. As history reminds us, they used only a day’s worth of oil to light the Temple’s menorah, even though it ended up lasting eight days.

Happy Holidays!


Michael Greenfield, CEO

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